Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Seven avoidable mistakes in global marketing.

    The IMRG concluded “the future of ecommerce is global”, with strong growth in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. For businesses of all sizes, the internet is a relatively low-risk, and cost-effective way to test the waters in new markets. But it’s all too easy to go wrong, by failing to take cultural differences…

  • A Simple Guide to Creating Lovable Marketing Offers.

    This blog post is an excerpt from “The Step-by-Step Guide to Lovable Marketing Campaigns.” Download your free copy today to read more about how to make your marketing lovable. In order for a marketing campaign to be powerful, it needs a good offer — you know, the thing that gets people excited enough to click!…

  • 10 Tips for Awesome Landing Pages.

    1. Split (A/B) Test: Find out what works and try to discern why by doing split testing. 2. Keep your form short, simple and above the fold: Most landing pages are designed to gather information, or get people to buy quickly – make sure they know where to put in their information, or how to…

  • 8 Simple Steps to Better Search Engine Optimization.

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is aimed at the enhancement of the website value with the search engines and improvement of the site ranking in the search results for the target keywords. High ranked websites get more clicks as they appear on the first page in the search results where people can easily find them. Search…

  • Buying Email Marketing Lists – The Pros and Cons.

    Email marketing is a great way to promote a product or service without spending a fortune. Of course, you need a list of email addresses to send your newsletter or special offers to. In this article I’ll discuss many of the pros and cons of buying email marketing lists from a third party. Pros –…

  • Welcome to RSS Feeds Generator blog!

    Hello dear RSS Feeds Generator users! We welcome you in our blog where we will provide you with related articles on Internet marketing thematic. We will try to cover not only question which consider RSS content technologies and RSS tools usage, but also touch upon all major issues concerning todays trends in online business. Here…

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