Category: eBusiness Tips
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Search Marketers
In his 1989 best-selling business and self-help book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey outlines a series of “true north” principles that help individuals attain their goals and adapt to change. More than 25 years later, do these tenets still ring true? And, what if we applied them to today’s search marketer?…
Get Long Last Blog Traffic Tips
Blog traffic is not driven by new traffic; individuals driven by return clients. Your new traffic is going to be fluidic. One week you might have lots of new visitors, and the following weeks you may have very few at all. Your repeat viewers are the ones who are supposed in order to create up…
How To Promote Your YouTube Video Content
This is a guide on how to promote video content on YouTube, with significant focus on channel optimization, harnessing YouTube settings and features, website modifications and the opportunities involved in paid video promotion. Follow these 6 tips on how to promote YouTube videos, and you’re guaranteed to see an improvement in viewership, reach and overall…
Negative SEO: how do you protect your website?
What is negative SEO? Negative SEO occurs every time somebody is trying to harm the website traffic, rankings or reputation. The most discussed type of negative SEO is links related, though. It takes place when the website is attacked by the enormous amount of low-quality links. High traffic to the website used to be a…
How a Blog Can Transform Your Brand
Blogging is fast becoming an essential for businesses across a diverse range of sectors. Retail, I.T, travel, food & drink and entertainment brands have all done their fair share of dabbling in this commonly overlooked activity, and while some might be quick to rubbish the idea, it’s an undeniable fact that blogging has the potential…
Correct These 5 Common SEO Mistakes To Boost Your Traffic
Undoubtedly WordPress has been excellently set up to get the best of Search Engine Optimization. That’s the reason why most of us are always reluctant to get away from the cozy comfort of WordPress and get the site hosted with third party. Also, transition to a third party means increased responsibility starting from the need…
5 SEO Strategies That Will Still Work in 2015
Thanks, Google! Its algorithm updates continued unabated in 2014, leading to panic among some search marketers and dread among many more. Now that Google has been on a mission to reduce the visibility of low-value pages, especially those that are over-optimized for keywords, does it seem like there are hardly any optimization techniques left that…
How to Identify Long Tail Keywords for SEO Success
Long tail keywords have taken on a greater importance in organic search, especially with the ever-increasing momentum of mobile users. Whether driving traffic to your website, or promoting a PPC ad campaign, the value of long tail keywords create better targeted action for your marketing and sales funnels. Google’s Hummingbird engine has a conversational search…
3 Ways to Get an Accurate Measurement of Your Website’s Search Engine Ranking
The role of an SEO company is to improve the search engine visibility of their clients and drive more online traffic (and potential conversions) to their website. Although search engine results page (SERP) rankings aren’t the only measure of success, they are certainly an important indicator of positive growth. Here at SEO Advantage, one of…