Tag: website optimization

  • 5 Myths about Increasing Website Traffic

    If you own or manage a website, you know that there a few key metrics that indicate success. And regardless of your industry or company goals, one metric is universal: traffic. The number of daily or monthly visitors your site receives is easy to measure, monitor, and report. It provides a simple way to look…

  • 4 Simple Ways to Future-Proof Your SEO

    SEO as a service is built on the foundation that the effort put in now can still have an effect years down the road. So by default, the goal of SEO should be to grow for the long haul. Unlike online advertising, in which traffic stops as soon as you stop a campaign, SEO is…

  • Correct These 5 Common SEO Mistakes To Boost Your Traffic

    Undoubtedly WordPress has been excellently set up to get the best of Search Engine Optimization. That’s the reason why most of us are always reluctant to get away from the cozy comfort of WordPress and get the site hosted with third party. Also, transition to a third party means increased responsibility starting from the need…

  • How to Identify Long Tail Keywords for SEO Success

    Long tail keywords have taken on a greater importance in organic search, especially with the ever-increasing momentum of mobile users. Whether driving traffic to your website, or promoting a PPC ad campaign, the value of long tail keywords create better targeted action for your marketing and sales funnels. Google’s Hummingbird engine has a conversational search…

  • 3 Ways to Get an Accurate Measurement of Your Website’s Search Engine Ranking

    The role of an SEO company is to improve the search engine visibility of their clients and drive more online traffic (and potential conversions) to their website. Although search engine results page (SERP) rankings aren’t the only measure of success, they are certainly an important indicator of positive growth. Here at SEO Advantage, one of…

  • Targeted Traffic

    A new survey tells us that 63% of B2B marketers use website traffic as their primary metric for the success of their content marketing. It makes sense. The more people come to your website, the more people see your goods and services and the more chances you have to sell those goods and services. What’s…

  • Do You Use Long-Tail Keywords? You Should!

    What are long-tail keywords and why might they be important to an SMB owner? Ah…some of the finest friends your website will ever have are “long-tails” when it comes to Google search results, so let’s get into it! A long-tail keyword is – as Google itself reports here – “Long-tail keywords are longer and more…

  • Understanding Dedicated Web Hosting

    The needs of a large business organization are different from that of a small business. For this reason it is extremely important that before you make a decision on the type of web hosting you are going to chose, first you must understand the very nature and needs of your business organization. Typically there are…

  • The Definitive Guide to Keyword Research

    If you’ve ever wondered: “How do I find keywords my competition doesn’t know about?” “How do I know if a keyword is too hard to rank for?” “What’s the best keyword research tool on the market?” “Where do I even begin with keyword research after Google Hummingbird?” Then I’ve got just the thing for you:…

  • Video Embeds Now Appearing in Google Search Results

    Google’s making it easier than ever to find and play your favorite music videos by featuring prominent video embeds at the top of the search results. Instead of playing directly in the search results, clicking on the video takes you to the site hosting the video. And while the majority of these videos are taken…